Sunday, February 28, 2010
Emini Futures Day Trading : Fundamentals And Simulated Trading System
Fundamental analysis is a methodology for analysis of a company as a viable stock that you want to hold for long term. Fundamental analysis is more widespread in the world of investing since you are going to hold your companies for 10 to 20 years, you do not wish that your companies go bankrupt the next day. Some of the common ratios used are P/E ratios (price earnings ratios) which measures the relative price of the stock to the earnings of the company, the EPS (earnings per share), the debt equity ratio and tons of other ratios.
Although I have spent considerable time studying such ratios I discovered that you do not really need such information to be successful in day trading. I repeat, fundamental analysis plays a marginal role in day trading. In fact, most of the time, I don't follow it at all. If you still have reservations about ignoring fundamental analysis, I recommend trading ETFs (exchange traded funds) such as QQQQ which mirrors the movement of the NASDAQ 100. In essence, you are actually trading the index like a normal stock. Indexes usually have a huge number of stocks in them, making them less susceptible to company specific news. However if you are paranoid, then you might still want to follow the news of the major companies in the index.
here is no lack of information and no end to analysis. Knowing the fundamentals might seem cool when you discuss company so and so over a cocktail party, but it will not help you rip money off Wall Street in day trading. Being able to remove fundamental analysis from the decision making process is also one of the reasons why I recommend trading Emini index futures.
Paper Trading: Don't Ever Underestimate it!
Paper trading refers to trading with virtual money, you do not use real money. You jot down in your notebook when you bought at what price and why. When you sell, you record in your notebook again why you sold and calculate the profit or loss associated with the trade.
If you cannot make money by paper trading, you can forget about making money in real trading. Always test a new trading idea with paper trading first before using real money. Also start with paper trading after a long period of break, to help you get back in touch with trading.
Although there is very little difference between paper trading and real trading in Emini, real trading is subjected to slippage and psychological factors come into play when you are using real money. Do not underestimate the impact of psychological factors on your trading. After you have a reasonable method and money management techniques, it is the psychological factors which will determine whether you make a profit or loss.
Some traders have created software to paper trade. You hit the buttons like you are doing real trading but only virtual money is involved and no real cash is used. The system will record down the time, price, symbol and the position opened or closed. This saves you the trouble of keeping a paper record.
Check out our Stock Trading System
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Getting A 21st Century Education
The current practice of today's generation looks at different lifestyles that one would like to follow suit. Usually, the lifestyle models are successful philanthropists who seem to find money on trees; literally. There is definitely a charm that endears a financially free lifestyle. However, most people consider financial freedom as a dream that is impossible to realize.
Unfortunately, this sad pessimism to life is the norm rather than the exception. We go about our days and years thinking that we can never be free from our debts or from the weight of different bills and cost. We continue to live our lives knowing this sad thought. Yet this idea cannot be further from the truth. Acquiring a new perspective, philosophy, and practice that reflects an optimistic view of our financial health is the heart of 21st Century Education
Defining 21st Century Education
The revolutionary yet simple mindset offered by this kind of education centres on the possibility of wealth creation and living a financially independent lifestyle. While this is the ideal result of a person who fully understands the heart of this kind of education, getting it is not easy. However, the standard is worth the investment. The sudden change of perspective will not only change our lives but will also change how we look into the different trends today.
Getting a 21st Century Education
The value of this kind of education hinges on certain learning components to help people make money instead of people working for money. The main goal is to create new methods to create wealth far removed from the standard wealth creating practices. While the wealth creation involves making opportunities, this concept finds new ways to make opportunities from a different standard ahead of our time.
The principle teaches financial rationality removed from our emotional decisions. It states that consciousness in making financial decisions is a function of how we react to different circumstances. By doing, the smart move despite what our emotions tell us, we are able to develop a way to control the way we react to events.
This concept also involves looking at the same thing differently. This enhances our problem solving skills as we think of creative ways to conclude different tasks. As an example, there are different ways to peel a banana yet we end up peeling bananas in the most common way. Sometimes, we readily see different solutions to a problem. However, we still insist on the standard solution. This principle breaks traditional problem solving methods in order to force us to be creative.
This kind of education also emphasizes the value of efficient communication, negotiation, and priorities in fast times. These skills will help us enhance our skills to turn ideas into reality. With efficient communication methods, we can readily converse with different people and share our profitable ideas. Having an idea is one thing, while applying it with good communication and negotiation skills is critical. Remember, everyone has ideas while making ideas work is not for everyone.
The concept hinges on a system of results, purpose, and action. While this principle is not new, the new perspective brought about by this kind of education tackles this system differently. A result focused, purpose driven, and action oriented persons are usually the successful people. This kind of education is the product of developing these traits.
Finally, financial freedom and getting a 21st Century Education involves planning a positive framework for your life. In the end, this is not about the value of money. Instead, it is the manifestation of our happiness. Having a list of priorities that will make you happy will give you an overview and a viable life structure. This is a holistic approach to financial freedom and designing our lives to help us live up to our potential. While getting a 21st Century Education is an investment, it is definitely what everyone needs.
Stevn Miller is passionate in learning wealth creation with 21st Century Academy's self-made millionaire Jamie McIntyre who has learned from the likes of Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham and many more. Visit Wealth Creation Academy website to learn more and get a free DVD or a free ebook.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hearing aids on the NHS
The more recent introduction of digital hearing aids has greatly improved the performance of modern hearing aids. However this has also lead to an increase in demand from new users and those looking to upgrade their current analogue hearing aids. This increased demand has impacted service levels and many NHS waiting lists have increased as a result.
It is a Government commitment to ensure assessments for hearing aids are made within a six weeks. Unfortunately this target only relates to the first stage of the process and makes no difference if patients have to endure months on a waiting list before prescribed hearing aid is actually fitted. Lengthy delays between assessment and fitting can also lead to the need for a re-assessment at the time of fitting.
The RNID estimates that around five hundred thousand people are currently waiting to have digital hearing aids fitted by the NHS.
The RNID also said:
"We remain seriously concerned about the capacity of the NHS to meet the Government’s aim of ensuring that no-one waits more than 18 weeks for a hearing aid fitting by the end of 2008."
There main area of concern is that the push to meet these new targets may result in a fall in the quality of the service offered.
As a result many people in the UK choose to opt out of the NHS service and buy their digital hearing aid directly from a retailer who can offer instant services.
Hearing Aid Styles
How To Clean Hearing Aids
Friday, February 19, 2010
The good thing about Motorcycle helmet
We are very much familiar about lots of stories about motorcycle accidents. Motor accident is never a joke since it concerns life. The proper use of helmet is very much important in the road. Since the use of helmet is very much proven, there are lots of states that implemented a rule of using the helmet in mandatory. You can now see that there is only little number of deaths with regards to motor accident unlike before. Since this is really useful there are lots of countries who are using this kind of law.
There are now lots of changes that happen when it comes to the helmet that we use. With regards to comfort you will no longer have any problem Comfort is not just the main thing that you need to consider as you also need to look at the protection it can offer.
The truth is there are lots of bikers before who are not in favor with the use of helmet. They are not in favor with the use of helmet because they can’t hear enough. Good thing is that this kind of problem has been solved already.
Since there are lots of designs you will surely have a good time in choosing. It is better if you will wear it at first for you to decide if it is comfortable to use. Looking unto the design is also important but be reminded that the essential thing is still your safety.
Motorcycle Helmet
DOT Helmet
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Alcoholism - Impact on the Alcoholic and the Family
There are addicts of all sorts all over. Now with the neoclassical definition that many are proposing it would seem that every single individual is an addict of some kind and it is only the level of addiction that varies. Addiction is a persistent on-going condition where the individual or animal would crave for a particular substance(s) or seek to repeat certain behavior(s) in order to satisfy a need(s). As is being proposed this in itself is not a problem until the individual becomes physiologically or psychological unstable when that need is not satisfied (then there is no more self-control).
It is this lost of control on the part of alcoholics and other addicts that affect every single aspect of society. First and foremost the individual is affected in a variety of ways depending on his addiction. There are those addictions that are not obvious to anyone and may remain hidden and kept secret from those close to you as well as the outside world for several years (in fact others will only know of it after you have confessed). Then there are addictions that are a little more obvious but only to those who are close to you (friends and family members) and can only be kept secret for so long. Then there are addictions that you could see from a mile way (so obvious it stinks). At every level, the individual and by extension society is affected in some way or another.
Individuals who through abuse of alcohol have become addicted are more than likely to undergo a personality change. This change of personality will definitely affect anyone who is close to them. Some alcohol addictions lead to indifference to matters and issues that were once of serious interest to the alcoholic (a college education may no longer be their top priority!). Work ethics and the sense of responsibility that an addicted person once had would no longer be upheld. Personal pride (being neat and well groomed has now taken a back seat) and self-esteem would suffer, leading to actions that are uncharacteristic of the individual.
All of these effects of alcoholism would then be spilled over into other areas of their lives. Lack of work ethics and the continuous deterioration of the quality of work they produce may lead to them eventually losing their jobs, which in turn affects the finance and well being of their family. Uncharacteristic behavior of the alcoholic could cause them to become abusive (whether it be physical, emotional or mental) to their spouse and children. There is the factor of risk-taking where their life and that of those around them become less important and they are likely to place themselves and others in life-threatening situations. Alcoholism in many cases, may lead to disassociation from friends and family members in an effort by the alcoholic to either hide his addiction or avoid criticism from others about his addiction.
Alcoholism that has lead to the addict withdrawing from close friends and in particular family members could have serious emotional effects. In many cases family members who are close to the alcoholic are completely taken aback after becoming aware of the addict's problem. This may seem rather impossible as there are obvious indicators of smell and lack of coordination among other things that would indicate that someone has been under the influence. While this may be true and family members are aware of the signs of the individual being under the influence of alcohol; you often find that it is only late into the addiction that they become convinced that the individual is an alcoholic; as much effort is usually made by alcoholics to conceal their alcoholism from other individuals.
Then there is the abuse that close family members, in particular spouses and children, are likely to be subjected to. These are likely to have even longer lasting impact on the family. In many cases, after the alcoholism has been dealt with and treated, the scars from such abuse would remain as a thorn when trying to mend broken relationships. For many families involving alcoholism, the deal breaker is money. Some addictions may lead to job loss for the victims; and financial problems for their family. Studies have shown that many families under financial pressure can only hold on for so long before it all comes caving in. In some cases you may find that these very alcoholics, in order to sustain their habit, would initially deplete all of their own money (savings and joint-savings with spouse); and when that is done, try to do the same to other family members. With the alcoholic's obvious indifference to such problems and the financial strain that would be created would result in unwanted consequences. This is likely to lead to delinquencies in meeting certain obligations such as mortgage payments and utilities, which would only serve to aggravate the family situation.
Alcohol abuse, like any other drug, also greatly increases the risk of individuals developing health problems. Complications with liver, kidneys and a whole lot of other vital body organs are a common side effect of alcoholism. This not only complicates the situation for the individual but the family at large, as limited financial resources are would have to used to remedy such ailments.
Even when there has been professed cases of overcoming alcoholism, the damage done prior to attaining that victory is usually so extensive and severe that many lives (in particular that of the individual and family members) would never be the same. Lifelong relationships may have become permanently severed and the alcoholic, for the most part, would have been left completely despondent and dejected after the ordeal. It may seem unfair to many victims of alcoholics and family members where addictions have brought total chaos and destruction that those alcoholics need their total love and support. It is true, alcoholics need every bit of their love ones that could be offered when recovering from alcoholism and even more so while they are still being controlled by it. So whenever possible be patient and loving towards those who need you most; even when it seems like that most difficult thing to do.
Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Alcoholism
Living with an alcoholic is very taxing on the non-drinker because it is so all-consuming and stressful, and wears tremendously on your self esteem. Visit for some dos and don'ts
Stop Smoking Hypnosis
As a hypnotherapist the mass of my business is helping people successfully give up smoking – especially around new years with folks trying to stick to their resolutions. I am amazed how many people come to see me to use hypnotherapy to quit, saying that ‘this is my last chance, I have tried everything before’. The reason that this statement shocks me so much is that according to research, hypnosis is the second best way to quit smoking. It is only seconded by contracting heart disease and let’s face it – who wants to go that far to give up smoking? Not me that’s for sure.
So what would life be like if you could just walk away from your smoking right now and leave it in the past? What a relief will it be when you have no cravings and full control over your habits and behaviours? What will you do with all of the extra money that you will save from not smoking? Just imagine how much more fitter you will feel and how great it will be not to smell of cigarette smoke all the time. Just imagine the freedom that your new life will bring you and your loved ones!
If you are really serious about being a happy and contented non smoker and want to do it the easy way, then I suggest that you think about hypnosis being your best chance of success. Just think, this time tomorrow you could be that happy and content non smoking person. I recommend trying a hypnosis download or recording or even take the time to look up your local hypnotherapist and seek their help.
Your success in stopping smoking is just around the corner! Grab this opportunity with both hands and get the life of your dreams. I wish you the best of luck and success in your new life as a non smoker.
Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hair Extensions and Synthetic Hair
Hair extensions are made from one of two materials; real human hair, or synthetic hair. The latter is the cheapest option and is proving fairly popular within the hair extensions industry.
In a nutshell, synthetic hair is basically plastic and will never look as real as human hair. It is however, great for dreadlocks and certain other styles. Synthetic hair is less expensive; however extensions made from human hair tend to give a better result, naturally. Since getting extensions from a salon requires time and money, many people are finding clip-in hair extensions to be the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to have multiple hair looks, and you don't have to be a Hollywood "It" girl or movie star. Synthetic hair is more fragile, and should be worn as they come, with little tinkering about or styling. You should NEVER use heat (blow dryers, curling irons, or straighteners) or apply too much styling products to synthetic hair.
Synthetic hair is made from man made materials and can be reproduced with very little variation. It can usually be shaped into styles by using the steam from boiling water to set the hair. Also, synthetic hair colours usually run a shade darker than human hair. Synthetic hair is generally used to for bright, funky fashion colours, such as pinks, greens and blues. Generally speaking, if you are wanting to achieve natural looking hair, then you should opt for 100% human hair extensions.
Synthetic hair is very easy to wear, and requires little maintenance. Unlike human hair the synthetic fibres need minimal or no styling after washing. It is made from materials such as nylon, polyester, kankalon or modacrylic and do not respond well to heat or friction. Synthetic hair is also used for manufacturing wigs, hair pieces and one piece pony tails.
Human hair -Usually of Asian descent, is the most versatile of all the hair types. It is available in a huge variety of colours, lengths and grades. Human hair extensions have the advantage of looking more realistic as part of your own hair but are quite a bit more expensive. This is generally because it has been grown and cut off specifically for this purpose, therefore making it more valuable than synthetic hair. It is then cleaned, and processed ready for sale. Human hair extensions can vary in quality as the hair is categorized into grades. The quality depends on the origin of the hair, and the age of the person it has come from. The cheapest hair generally comes from China and other Asian countries, and is thick and originally very dark, prior to processing and colouring.
European hair is one of the best, because of its light weight, strength, texture and high protein content which gives the hair longevity.Indian human remy hair remains the best grade human hair, with what is referred to as 'virgin' hair, being the ultimate in human hair for hair extensions.
It is recommended to see both hair types before proceeding with hair extensions to see what you prefer. It all boils down to one thing at the end of the day, and that is personal preference, so a little bit of thought beforehand would be wise.
Article written by Andy Black. A wide range of human and synthetic hair extension products available from Rapunzels Hair Extensions, such as clip in extensions and quality human wefts. A fantastic range of coloured hair streaks and accessories also available to buy.
buy Indian remy hair at affordable prices
Monday, February 8, 2010
Security For Your Home: Exterior Lighting
Seriously, poor lighting will create a home or business a a lot of a lot of attractive target than the house adjacent that has adequate exterior lighting. Home intruders might on occasion not be the sharpest tools within the shed but those that are successful in this line of labor are only successful as a result of they do understand the laws of opportunity. A dark shady space that is concealed from the view of others presents a far additional attractive target to would be intruders than a well-lit and revealing access purpose into a home.
When designing the protection plan for your home and business you really need to attempt and suppose sort of a criminal. If you were going to break into your home or business where would you are trying to realize entry? Those are the areas that need to be well lit and offer very little within the means of concealment opportunities for people who would attempt to form an uninvited entrance. Do not build storage sheds close to windows and doors. Instead, keep them removed from these areas. Storage units give concealment and shadow in areas where this could not be desired.
Not all security is merely from invasion. You ought to additionally be concerned about the health and welfare of people who live and work in your home or business. Having the realm surrounding your home and business will not only reveal intruders however additionally obstacles, holes, and etc. that could pose risks of injury additionally to potential intruders. You ought to conjointly bear in mind that not all intruders have only possessions in mind once they create their grand entrance. Creating your home or business uninviting as a 'pit stop' for these criminal parts also makes it safer for your family, friends, coworkers, and employees.
You are doing not would like to light-weight up your home or business sort of a military installation so as to attain the very security you seek. Motion sensor lights that only light up the area in which motion is detected will prove basic enough protection in several cases without inviting the neighbors to complain concerning the unending daylight you manage to create.
Rope lights give low level and ornamental lights but they conjointly invite passersby to require a look at your property. This in itself makes your property unattractive to intruders if there's any kind of regular traffic in your neighborhood or an energetic variety of neighbors that walk dogs, star gaze, or have interaction in any alternative nocturnal activities.
If rope lights aren't appealing, many homes make judicious use of solar powered ornamental lights, as part of their landscaping additionally to a hopeful deterrent to would be intruders. Combining two or additional of the varieties of exterior lighting mentioned above may web even bigger results. Prevention is usually the simplest plan when it involves things like home or business security also because the protection of those that live and work in your home or business from potential harm thanks to inadequate exterior lighting.
These are all things that should be considered when making a security set up for your home or business. Lighting is vital for several reasons. Despite the actual fact that many people have top of the road security equipment and can't notice their manner across their lawns when lights are out far too few folks bother to require the necessity for adequate exterior lighting seriously. It is our hope that the readers of this text will have a replacement understanding of how abundant proper lighting will do to protect your home.
Motion Sensor Outdoor Lighting makes a lot of sense. But not all Outdoor Motion Lights are built the same. Truth is that many lights get a mixed review. Visit us to get more inform ation on various outdoor sensor lights.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Holistic Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) can help you achieve this. SEO is a crucial online marketing technique. It helps you to get your web site to appear in search engine result pages (SERPs) for keywords that that are relevant to your business. For example, if you are a business coach, and someone is searching for "business coach", it would be great for your business if your web site appears in the first 10 results.
So what exactly is search engine optimization? SEO includes selecting the best keywords for the body of the page as well as other page elements (the title tag, keyword and description meta tags, etc.) Carefully chosen keywords provide "hints" that search engines use to classify your site and to determine whether your site should appear for certain search keywords. On-page keyword optimization by itself will help your rankings. However, holistic search engine optimization is required to achieve optimal results. For the best placement, focus on SEO as a whole, rather than concentrate on a particular technique.
Here are a few important elements of holistic search engine optimization:
- Have good content. After all, content is king (or queen, whichever the case may be). Without content there isn't much of a site. The content must walk a fine line between providing useful content and including sufficient and relevant keywords for search engines.
Often it is difficult to optimize your product or service pages for search engines, since the main goal of these items is to showcase the benefits of your offer. On the other hand, it is easier to optimize blog posts and articles. In fact, you can create entire articles and blog posts around keywords that are popular with your target market.
- Have consistent navigation. Both your web site visitors and search engine spiders navigate your web site through links that connect different pages. Consistent navigation ensures that your visitors can reach every page on your web site from every other page. On top of that, you will you get the most out of your search engine optimization efforts.
- Get links to your site. Links to your web site play a very important role in holistic search engine optimization. Many popular search engines evaluate your web site's popularity based on counting the number of links that point to your site. The more popular your web site is, the better rankings it gets on search engines. The best links are links from reputable, quality web site that have complimentary or related content.
You can get links to your web site by using a variety of techniques, such as writing articles, participating in link exchanges, and participating in online networking.
Take a holistic approach to web site optimization. Apply SEO to your web site as a whole, and always evaluate the overall impact of your marketing efforts.
Affordable SEO Service
SEO Packages